Tools Not Rules - Creative Brief
What are you making? Is it a product or service? A platform for skiers/snowboarders to explore weather conditions in ski areas. (service)
Why are you making this? I am a skier and I noticed there aren’t ski resources with good design and user experience.
Who is your client? Skiers/snowboarders. People interested in winter outdoors activities.
S: I am knowledgeable of this industry
W: Coding will be an important means of creating this project and I am learning JS more in depth this semester. There are many skiing locations. Weather conditions can be drastically different at the base of a mountain and at the summit. Therefore I will need to find a way to disclose that the info is not 100% accurate or find a way to make it more accurate.
O: No well-designed resources are available
T: There are some established websites/apps. Weather apps are also a threat to my project if I am not able to display reliable and up to date data.
What’s the opportunity? There are no well-designed websites/apps. It is a fragmented service. After interviewing what people used as a resource to decide where to go skiing most people just searched on Google and didn’t have on specific site they always went back to.
Are there existing research, reports and other documents that help you understand the situation?
What is the personality of your project? What adjectives describe the feeling or approach?
What’s your marketing plan?
Word of mouth? Which social channels?
What are you goals for the project?
What are your top three objectives?
How will you evaluate/define success (revenue, audience size, critical opinion, etc)?
Is there mandatory information that must be included? List of deliverables? Preconceived ideas? Format parameters? Limitations and restrictions?
Who are you talking to? Passionate skiers/snowboarders
What do they think of you?
Why should they care? I will try to create an innovative and playful way to interact and research skiing locations. Many platforms providing similar information have outdated interfaces or design that needs improvements.
What are the important demographics/psychographics (age, gender, interests, location, etc)?
Who is the competition?
What does your competition do well?
Where are they missing opportunities?
What other products fulfill this same need?
What are they telling the audience that you should be telling them? SWOT analysis on them?
How does your project different from the competition?
Anything that slows you down. Could be practical things like money or more abstract concepts like self confidence. List them all.
Why are you the person to make this?
What skills do you lack to make this happen? Does your team round out gaps in your skill set? Where do your skills overlap?
Who are you reporting to?
Who exactly is approving this work?
Who needs to be informed of our progress? By what means?
Who can you rely on to help you out?
Do you have/need some way to track progress (Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Trello, etc)?
Is there an external date that affects your timeline?
How much time do you estimate development will take?
How quickly can you prototype your idea?
Are their milestones associated with your development?
Do you need to account for development stages (rototype/alpha/beta, prototype/core-feature/all-features/polished, etc)?
What is your budget?
How will your budget affect your ambition and goals?
Is your project self-funded?
Is outside funding available?
How long will it take post-launch to recoup your investment?
How much do you have to spend on development?
How much do you expect to make?
How much will collaborators be paid?
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